I know that in other places, there seem to be some exception made to this rule. Not everyone agrees with these exceptions. And I am not sure yet myself. But that's not the point of my post here.
My point here is this. Jesus seems to forbid most (if not all) remarriage after divorce. This is a hard teaching, especially for someone who finds himself or herself divorced at a young age. Another thing that makes it hard is this: Many who are divorced have children. It's not hard to understand the woman with young children who wants there to be a man in the house to help care for her children as they grow up - even if that man is a stepfather, rather than a natural father.
Somehow, this is what I got to thinking about this afternoon. If Jesus is right (and I believe He is), then he is saying that a single mom should not remarry (discussion of exceptions aside for now), even though she thinks it would help her children. Would Jesus really command something that would be less than the best for children who are not to blame for the situation they find themselves in.
I think that Jesus' command is still best for those children. And here is why: When a child has a mom who has been abandoned by her husband and she chooses not to remarry, her whole life communicates something to her children about the sacredness and permanence of marriage. If she were to remarry, her kids would have a man around. But they would not understand that marriage is a special and important as it is.
It seems to me that the commands of Jesus present us with this implication: It is more important for children to learn that marriage is sacred and permanent than it is to have a man in their household.
Of course, this doesn't mean there can't be a man in the lives of those children. Even if their natural father is not around, other men can play an important part in the lives of those children - even if they don't sleep or live with their mom.