Monday, March 1, 2010

An Unhindered Prisoner

Here is one of my comments from this morning on our church's Bible reading blog.

Acts 28:30-31 - Could Acts possibly end on a better note? Paul was being held as a prisoner. So what? He was able to welcome (receive) all who came to him. He was preaching "the kingdom of God" (there it is again) and was "teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ". He was doing this "with all openness." He didn't have to hide what he was doing. And then there is the beautiful final word of the book - unhindered. Paul was a prisoner. But nothing was hindering his proclamation of the Gospel of the kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting you should make this comment. This text was also recently part of my Bible reading plan (Discipleship Journal's plan by NavPress). I thought how in one sense it seemed ashamed that Paul appealed to Ceasar because otherwise he might have been set free. But from the kingdom perspective it was a great blessing because it afforded him the opportunity to share the Gospel in Rome and before the court of Ceasar. I pray that we would see the seeming difficulties in our lives as an opportunity to share the Gospel. Great thought pastor.
